Correa warns the possibility of eliminating low quality universities
The leader of the Ecuadorian regime, Rafael Correa, said yesterday in Arenillas that “if we were to eliminate the university we had to remove, we will, because the goal is to have high quality universities.”
The warning was about the results of the evaluation conducted by the Accreditation Council for Evaluation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Ceaaces) and in response to the protests by the evaluation.
He said that many universities have no excellence, so none are in the world rankings at its discretion, the problem is aggravated by the level of politicization, over staffing and current bureaucracy.
He said the poor have imposed, inefficiency is terrible and most of the spending is administrative, while said that academic excellence is not won with shouts with sticks, stones, but with demand studies, rigor, with full-time faculty, and not skipping class.