Daily Expreso on the replication request of the Supercom
In the following statement Daily Expreso responds to the request of replica of the Supercom:
In the current circumstances, in which authoritarianism and the concentration of powers delegate in various levels of the state the faculties to pressure and harass the independent press with arbitrary regulations and sanctions, there is no place for reasoned arguments and within the framework of the law that with the force of truth are exposed before the Superintendency of Information and Communication, as the basis of certain decisions or publications.
Daily Expreso, by failing to publish a rectification notice paid by the Association of Newspaper Publishers, is exposed to sanctions or retaliations that could jeopardize its stability and permanence in the public service.
For this reason and under protest, the imposed correction is published, leaving proof of the outrage to freedom in the legitimate development of our activities.
We can not apologize because we do not know the reason for it. We believe that in the journalistic exercise or legal defense, we have not offended anyone in particular. We lament if our decisions or statements of legal order have been misinterpreted.
Source: http://expreso.ec/expreso/