Debate left ‘doubts’ in oppositors; government supporters applauded the decisions
The opposition remained with “more doubts” about the economic situation in the country after last Wednesday’s televised debate between President Rafael Correa and three critical economists, the ruling party affirmed that what has so far been made in this field has been right and Correa insisted that the crisis is global.
Correa spoke with former Vice President Alberto Dahik, former Minister of Industry of the Government, Ramiro Gonzalez, and former finance minister of the government of Lucio Gutierrez, Mauricio Pozo.
Apart from this, there was a confrontation between Correa and Gonzalez. Criticism from the opposition abounded. Luis Fernando Torres (PSC-Cambio) said that the confrontation between them was a “real shame and brought nothing fruitful to the country,” and Magali Orellana (PK) called it “a greengrocers fight.”
Torres regretted that the president does not recognize that there is a recession and said it is good news that the latter has said he will pay the worker´s annual bonuses, but it is “a mystery” where he will get the money for this. Moreover, he expects a similar meeting by the constitutional amendments in December.