Earthquakes put on alert the provinces of the Coast

The telluric movement and its replicas had as epicenter the sea adjacent to Santa Elena. A house collapsed, although there are no victims. A series of earthquakes occurred between dawn and morning of this Sunday, March 31, with epicenter in Santa Elena, causing alert in the Peninsular citizenship and other nearby locations, including Guayaquil.
According to the updated report of the Geophysical Institute (IG), the first telluric movement was reported at 02:04 on Sunday March 31 and had a magnitude of 6.32, which was followed by 27 replicas with magnitudes between 2.2 and 5,4, until the closing of the report, which was broadcasted at 06:00, approximately.
Residents of La Libertad, Ballenita and Olón, and other spas left their homes and stayed away for several minutes for fear of a new earthquake. The National Risk Management Service (SNGR) reported that tremors were strongly felt in the towns of Santa Elena, Manabí, Guayas and Los Ríos.
While in El Oro, Santo Domingo, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Bolívar, Azuay and Cañar felt of mild intensity. The biggest novelties were presented in Santa Elena, where a house collapsed, but the family that lived there was relocated to a foster home.
In the peninsular capital, the inhabitants went to El Tablazo viewpoint as a precautionary measure. In addition, the National Electricity Corporation (CNEL) reported that earthquakes plucked cables in the sectors Cadeate and Puente Javita. The service was interrupted momentarily until the technical staff noticed the inconvenience.
While in Guayaquil, the tunnels of the hills of Carmen and Santa Ana were closed until it was found that there was no damage to the structures. For its part, the Oceanographic Institute of the Navy (Inocar) ruled out any risk of tsunami, since the quake did not meet the conditions for it.
Thousands of tourists left in the early hours of Salinas, frightened by the force of the earthquake. Until the close of this edition, the SNGR did not report any more damage or victims due to earthquakes and aftershocks until 09:09 this Sunday, March 31, according to the IG report.
The earthquakes that occur in the Litoral region have their origin in subduction (a process that implies that one tectonic plate sinks under another). The release of energy during friction causes tremors. (I)