Ecuador, affected after the global cyber attack
The global cyber attack perpetrated last week also affected people and companies in Ecuador. The first reports submitted yesterday (May 16, 2017) by three cyber security companies said that about 15 000 people and 27 companies were threatened and affected by WannaCry, the virus released by the mafias on Friday, May 12, 2017.
In Ecuador, the first alerts were turned on at 05:00 that day. Computer system sensors began to detect threats. The virus that appeared in Europe and later extended to Latin America appeared on the screens of the laboratories.
At 07:00 the phones of security companies started ringing. Users wanted to know if their devices were infected. This is what Francisco Robayo, manager of Check Point, a company dedicated to computer security, recalls. Robayo said that people called every minute to ask for help because a red warning with a stopwatch appeared on their screens. That meant that the documents had been stolen by cyber mafias, who demanded between USD 300 and 700 for their recovery.
According to Robayo, the plan of the cyber mafias is to seize the databases and sell them in the illegal market. Santiago Acurio, the judge of the Court of Pichincha and expert in cyber crime, recommends not paying for the rescue of the data, as there is no guarantee that these will be returned. For now, the Regulatory and Control Agency of Telecommunications (Arcotel) asks that those affected report the cases in its website to study the attacks, and prevent cyber mafias from re-perpetrating massive attacks (I).