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Ecuador aims to launch another nanosatellite
Posted On 14 Oct 2016

Ecuador prepares for December the launch into space of a third nanosatellite with a national seal, but this time, this is the result of an academic cooperation.
The Tecnologica Equinoccial University (UTE), of Ecuador, and the State University of Southwest Russia (Uesor) manufactured the equipment jointly, the UTE stated in a bulletin.
This project was named UTE-UESOR.
“The purpose of the launch is to use advanced nano-satellite techniques to obtain scientific data in the study of our planet Earth,” according to the statement.
It was also pointed out that the device will lift off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Guillaume Long stressed the importance of this project, during a meeting with delegates from the Russian government. He announced an agreement with Russia on space travel.
The UTE-UESOR will be the third nano-satellite techniques with an Ecuadorian ‘flag.’ Two others were manufactured locally and were launched in 2013.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.