Ecuador and Spain work on actions to recover tourism
Knowing the situation of tourism in Ecuador and Spain , as well as the actions that are being developed for its post-pandemic recovery , was the motivation to hold the conference ” Reactivation of tourism Ecuador – Spain ” this Thursday , organized by the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industria de Quito , with the support of this State portfolio .

Ecuador and Spain work on actions to recover tourism
The Minister of Tourism, Rosi Prado de Holguín participated as a speaker in this event explaining the national context and the policies of reactivation
of tourism in Ecuador . He pointed out that the challenges facing the sector, in the framework of the new normal, are mainly focused on mitigating risks and building trust . To this end, 22 biosafety protocols have been developed and implemented to date , which were the basis for the destination to receive the Safe Travels Seal .
“At this time it is extremely important to seek the well-being and personalization of the experience for those who visit us,” said the Minister , confirming that the keys are business adaptation; the reset are neglecting the essentials; rethinking new business models and having the ability to reinvent and innovate in the services we offer.
The national authority highlighted that Ecuador has competitive differentiators such as the digitization of services , home automation , optimization and the reduction of capacity, as some points to note, which are combined with the Plan for the progressive reopening of the tourism sector , for which it is also is working on the reactivation of connectivity and the promotion of the country, also highlighting the Safe Travel campaign to allow controlled travel and to minimize the risk of contagion .
“The objective is to regulate the new normal, mitigating risks , working hard to regain interest in traveling and reactivate the tourism sector in an orderly and safe way,” he concluded.
For her part, Marie Noelle Landázuri , General Manager of Air France and KLM Ecuador, pointed out that the passenger route was redesigned to align with the new normal. “We have reinvented ourselves so that the passenger feels safe before, during and after the flight,” he said, explaining the opportunity that was generated to develop better digital services for travelers . It also reported on the development of a policy of flexibility that allows changes of date and destination to take care of the traveler’s experience. In addition, Landázuri commented that as of December 8, an additional flight will be increased to the four currently operating to improve Ecuador’s connectivity with Europe and the world..
Alejandro Miró , regional director of Viajes El Corte Inglés , agreed that with the flexibility, reservations will return more easily. Thus, the company has two campaigns to support the reactivation, which are ” Irresistible Europe ” and ” Yo Viajo Por Ecuador “. The first, focused on trips scheduled for 2021 with facilities and affordable prices , while the second handles a double meaning: in terms of touring the country and supporting it in its tourist reactivation . This campaign presents options in all regions of the country with prices reduced by up to 60%.
“Traveling no longer means moving around without limitations as we were used to doing. Traveling is again a privilege ”, said Miró as a conclusion, pointing out that said privilege does not imply resources, but rather the possibility of leaving and entering from one destination to another , for which he emphasized the importance of flexibility. (I)