Ecuador Elections: Countdown at the CNE for registration of political organizations
Two and a half weeks are left for political organizations of Ecuador to complete their registration with the National Electoral Council (CNE) for the elections scheduled for February 2013.
So far, parties and movements Sociedad Patriótica, PRE, MPD, Pachakutik, CREO, Avanza, AP y Ruptura are the only ones that can officially participate in the elections.
For now, Concertación and Prian parties are still awaiting the issuance of the corresponding resolution stating its approval, after completing the backup accessions requirement of 1.5% of the final electoral roll, ie 157 947 signatures.
A group that did not complete the required signatures is Movimiento Frente Poder Ciudadano, led by Diego Borja, former Coordinating Minister of Economic Policy of the scheme and current secretary of ALBA.
Despite having made nearly 410 000 signatures for membership, only about 85 000 were validated. According to preliminary reports of the CNE, a significant number of people who subscribe as adherents of the movement, had been signed earlier by another who has passed the registration process.
In a similar situation is Partido Participación of Gustavo Larrea, who also failed in necessary signatures. These organizations may submit their scope of signatures until 18 July. (FL)