Ecuador occupies position 82 of ranking of economic complexity
A study carried out by the University of Harvard, in conjunction with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), places Ecuador in the 82nd position in the ranking of economic complexity.
The results were announced in its portal, Economic Complexity Atlas 2017, with data from 2016.
The Economic Complexity Index (ICE) and the Product Complexity Index (ICP) measure how diversified and complex the basket of goods is exported by a country, determined by the knowledge and accumulated productive capacities.
“These indicators identify the intensity of knowledge of economies and products,” explained Nelson Baldeón, Co Champion MIT Reap Ecuador.
Among 124 countries around the world, Panama (0.584897) and Mexico (0.572282) appear as the first in Latin America, in positions 24 and 25 respectively. Ecuador is ranked 82 behind Colombia (45), Peru (76), Argentina (60), Chile (69) and before Venezuela (89), Nicaragua (100) and Bolivia (121).
Of the 10 economies best positioned in the ranking, 5 belong to Europe; 3 to Asia and one to America and the Middle East. Switzerland, Japan and Singapore top the list, staying in the top three positions of the ranking. Singapore moved Germany from third place. (I)