Ecuadorian Local Production Strengthens the Bio-Commerce
The business created by the biodiversity in the country has motivated Corporacion de Promocion de Exportaciones (Corpei), the Ministry of Environment, and Ecociencia y la Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) to invest $14 million to support and strengthen the Bio-Commerce in the next four years.
Jaime Cardenas, the coordinating director of CAF, explained that the Bio-Commerce is a group of activities that collect, process and commercialize goods and services produced by the biodiversity that causes little impact to the environment and maintains a self-sustained economy.
Ana Carolina Benitez, the technician of the Bio-Commerce GEF-CAF-Corpei project, explained that Ecuador is a country that must create specialized products. The initiative that supports Corpei is in an exportation phase, but in small quantities.
One of those foundations is Chankuap, an organization that specializes in creating oils from leafs of ishpink, rizoma, and curcuma which alleviates asthma and flu ailments. Which are exported to principally to United States, Austria, and France (AV)
Source: El Universo Newspaper