Ecuadorian roads are being affected by the rain
In some places of Ecuador, the vehicular transit is being interrupted by landslides that are blocking certain parts of the roads. There are zones in which, the drivers must take alternate routes.
In the Cuenca-Molleturo road, which connects Cuenca to Guayaquil, two inconveniences are presented, caused by the rain. The first one, at the 88 KM, is a landslide that interrupted the traffic. The issue was solved swiftly by the Ministry of Public Works (MTOP).
The second inconvenience appeared at the 92,5 KM. The issue presented itself as a sinking at the left lane, the way towards Molleturo-Puerto Inca, in thee sector known as “El Progreso”, that belongs to Tamarindo, in the Molleturo Parish.
A yellow ribbon representing danger, some branches, and a tire was left to warn drivers that there was a damage about 40 meters into the road. At 16:30, the MTOP technicians informed that the sinking was bigger, around 100 meters in total (60 meters more than the expected). (I)
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