Electronics show in Las Vegas presents giants and stylized TV screens
The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES for its acronym in English ) in Las Vegas, USA, carry on and this time the curved and oversized TV screens are the ones that capture everyone’s attention as they show images up to four times sharper than the regular high-definition television (HD).
These stylized TVs, called 4K, reach a size of up to 105 inches, ie, they can occupy the height of a 2.30 meters-tall office.
It was further revealed that these devices will aim to supply the world market for the world’s largest soccer event , the World Cup Brazil 2014.
One of the peculiarities of this new TV is the ability to interact with users. Using Voice, users can turn on or off the TV, and even through body movements a person can change channels , access applications and surf the web with just making some moves around the screen.