Embezzlement, next accusation against Rafael Correa

Knowing that the process of illegal association and plagiarism (kidnapping) of the political activist Fernando Balda, to move to the trial stage, could stop, because it cannot be prosecuted in absentia like former President Rafael Correa, who is in Belgium; and Intelligence Secretary Pablo Romero, who is in Spain, the victim of this case in the next few days will ask the judicial authorities to investigate both and other ex-officials of correísmo for embezzlement.
According to Balda, his defense has presented more than 200 elements that prove that Rafael Correa is the intellectual author, who ordered the execution of his kidnapping and his financing.
Yesterday, Caupolicán Ochoa, defense of the former President Rafael Correa explained that he has analyzed the 28 elements of conviction detailed by the prosecutor Paúl Pérez, to accuse his client as author and so far, he said, he does not find a single verification of the fact.
At the hearing, Ochoa challenged one by one the arguments presented by the Prosecutor’s Office and the nearly 40 indications indicated by the private accusation. Shortly before, Fausto Jarrín, another lawyer from Correa, informed Judge Daniella Camacho of the 45 documentary evidence and the 47 testimonials that they will use to be called to trial.
In the list of witnesses requested by Correa for the trial stage are former officials of his government.
On the other hand, Diego Chimbo, lawyer of Raúl Chicaiza and Jéssica Falcón, in his presentation requested that due to the vulnerability of the exagentes his transfer to another prison center is ordered or at the same time the house arrest for them is dictated.
The request was made at the trial preparatory hearing for the crimes of illicit association and plagiarism by which not only the ex agents are prosecuted, but also former President Correa, who lives in Belgium, and former Secretary of Intelligence Romero, who is in Spain
According to Chimbo, the measure is necessary because Chicaiza and Falcón are witnesses that are under the Victims and Witness Program of the Prosecutor’s Office. Camacho, before suspending the diligence to enter a period of analysis of the elements heard in the hearing and deciding whether or not to call the four defendants on trial, ordered the Prosecutor’s Office to present a report on the risk and vulnerability of the prison center there are those processed and the environment where the agents would live. With that information you will decide on the order made by Chimbo.
“The accusations that weigh on Rafael Correa are serious and our call is to go to justice, to have faith that this justice is independent and that, if he knows he is innocent, then come to Ecuador and prove it.”
Lenin Moreno, president of the Republic
Meanwhile, yesterday, in an interview with CNN, President Lenin Moreno again ordered Correa to return to the country and face justice.
Moreno preferred not to deepen the case, but stressed that in the country the functions of the State “are independent and autonomous.” “The accusations that weigh on Rafael Correa are serious and our only call is to go to justice, to have faith that this justice is independent and that, if he knows he is innocent, then come to Ecuador and prove it, as it should be”. (I)
Source: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2018/09/28/nota/6974297/peculado-proxima-acusacion-contra-correa