Emergency losses amount to $ 300 million, according to deputy minister of Production
In a digital press conference, the Vice Minister of Production, Jackson Torres, referred to the production sector and the support that the Government will give to this branch in the face of the health emergency caused by the coronavirus (covid-19).
“The crisis is worldwide, the closing of markets is an issue that we have been working on since December. We are working with the Ministry of Finance to seek support for the flower sector, “Torres said.
I also assure that “it is time to put your shoulders to each other, the President of the Republic has established a series of guidelines. Public and private banks are looking for mechanisms to support this sector of the country’s economy. “
As an example he gave China, which is recovering despite being the country of origin of the covid-19. “Soon the Ecuadorian shrimp will be in export.”
The owners of the large food chains are also taking measures to prevent the health of Ecuadorians, he stressed.
“The supply is guaranteed. Minister Iván Ontaneda has met with large producers, which guarantees that there will be no shortage of products, “he said.
For Torres, “several people are taking the coronavirus as a game, we call on citizens to be aware of the issue.”
Regarding trade, “we are going to carry out controls with the municipalities and the governorates to verify the prices in the markets of the different provinces. We are also going to deliver kits to the most vulnerable groups that cannot access basic necessities ”.
Approximately the economic losses in these days of emergency amount to around $ 300 million. (I)