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Employment in the country had significant variations during 2016
Posted On 19 Jan 2017

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC), the monthly salary for workers in Ecuador fell in one year. In December 2015, the average payment was $ 355.58. In the same month of 2016, the amount dropped to $ 337.12. A drop of $ 18.46 (-5.19%).
The number is even greater if only the financial conditions of men are taken into account. In the period under review, the average labor income increased from $ 388.17 to $ 367.70.
Women also saw a downward trend in their wages. In 2015, the basic salary was $ 300.75. Last year, the amount fell to $ 287.18. The INEC, according to its surveys, performs the analysis of the total number of employees -dependent and independent.-
Earning less than the unified basic salary -which was $ 366 in 2016- is one of the elements, to consider a person as underemployed. That requirement was met.
Another feature of underemployment is working for less than 40 hours per week. INEC data shows that women met this condition at the end of the year. They worked, on average, 33 hours and 50 minutes.