Fabricio Correa Talks About the Disapproval of His Party

Fabricio Correa
Fabricio Correa, brother of President Rafael Correa and founder of the political movement EQUIPO, spoke after his movement was not approved at the CNE, which prevents him from running for the next presidential elections 2013.
Through a press release, Correa said:
“It’s amazing that these acts of state manipulation continues to happen in Ecuador and as magicians they can conjure the scandal about the signatures. And this incident is essential for them to control at will the next elections in the country.”
He also revealed that this issue has been handled in a biased way, hidden, and preventing the arrival of the truth. Because those behind the power want the people to believe they “are perfect, clean and pure. But the others are imperfect, dirty and unclean.”
Correa also stated that “even my own signature has disappeared from my own movement” and asks “where are the other 190 thousand signatures that belonged to EQUIPO?”
“This shows that the people cannot express their preferences in the polls, and that the upper echelons of power decides who should vote”, Fabricio Correa concluded.