Fernando Bustamante tells why he abstained from voting on reforms
“I came here to tell my colleagues that I am at their service,” said the Assemblyman of the Alianza PAIS party, Fernando Bustamante, during his appearance before the Ethics Committee of the group, after he abstained from voting on the approval of constitutional reforms Thursday in the National Assembly.
“I contemplated a conscientious objection to some of the amendments that were contrary to the values and principles I have defended all my life,” said Bustamante in statements to reporters outside the AP’s headquarters in Quito.
“But the conscientious objection, I should explain, is not to do what I please and not to suffer the consequences. The person who makes a conscientious objection is submitted in advance to the rule and the consequences of the violation of the rule that presides the act he’s done,” he added.
Carlos Marx Carrasco, president of the Committee, said he opened a process to analyze the case of Bustamante, the defense was heard and a possible sanctionwill be discussed. That process would last about two weeks. According to the rules of AP, he could be suspended and even dismissed, according to the Ecuavisa newscast.
Translated into English by Pierina Abad
Source: http://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2015/12/07/nota/5286606/fernando-bustamante-me-abstuve-votacion-reformas-porque-eran