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Former Boxer Jaime Quiñonez will be Buried Tomorrow in Quito
Posted On 16 Jul 2012

Jaime Quiñonez body while being taken to the morgue
After the assassination of Ecuadorian ex-boxer, Jaime “The Beast” Quiñonez, in a restaurant in Quito, friends and relatives mourned him at the National Funeral Home in this city. Burial will be tomorrow.
“Ecuador has lost a great athlete. Jaime was part of my preparation for the world title fight. He was my friend …” said ex-boxer Segundo Mercado.
Quiñonez was shot dead on Saturday in a Colombian restaurant Los Arrieros, in the Ecuadorian capital.
Witnesses said that minutes after Quiñonez came to the restaurant, two strangers entered the premises to go to the bathroom first. Then, they had him at gunpoint and shot Quiñonez in the head, shoulder and back.