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Four months before the elections this is how the ballot looks
Posted On 07 Oct 2016

The campaign seems to have started. The definitions are taken this week around Paco Moncayo as the standard bearer of the center-left, as well as the conventions of the Unity and Alianza PAIS, draw the first ballot a few months before the election day.
Until October 1, the names of 8 candidates to succeed Rafael Correa appear.
The CREO movement and its platform Compromiso Ecuador bet from the beginning for Guillermo Lasso.
Cynthia Viteri has accepted the nomination of the Unity group, formed by the Christian Social Party, Podemos and Concertación. And the Ecuadorian Union, recently created, has chosen the former prosecutor Washington Pesantez as its candidate.
Paco Moncayo, of the Democratic Left, stands as the head of the center-left Pachakutik party, which withdrew the candidacy of Lourdes Tiban and Popular Unity.
Alianza PAIS, the ruling party, chose former vice president Lenin Moreno instead of the current vice president, Jorge Glas.
Adelante Ecuatoriano Adelante, led by businessman Alvaro Noboa, is currently holding talks with the Patriotic Society Party, led by Gilmar Gutierrez.
Abdala Bucaram Pulley is the candidate for the Presidency by Fuerza Ecuador, the new face of roldosism.
The Democratic Centre, led by Jimmy Jairala and initially supported by Paul Olsen, could end in another nomination.