Further statements activists argue case Luluncoto
Three days have passed since the beginning of the trial against the “Luluncoto 10”, and the testimony of a witness conducted by the prosecution gave some tranquility to the defense attorneys.
According to the Ombudsman, Corporal James Viera, who did the research and monitoring, acknowledged that “it has not been determined who have manufactured and placed the pamphleteering bombs.”
However, for the officer, although in the arrest site, weapons or explosives were not found, slogans like “No al paquetazo de Correa” was a sign that proves the links to a terrorist group.
Likewise, the defense attorney in the case, Ramiro Garcia, posed a direct question to Viera: “can you provide evidence that may appoint any of the ten arrested, as persons who committed a crime?” Viera’s response was negative.
In three days of hearings only three of the 55 prosecution witnesses have declared their statements. All police officers who were involved in intelligence work, tracking, search and arrest of the suspects on March 3, 2012. The defense expects to present at least 30 witnesses.
Eight of the ten defendants in this case are free. Cristina Campaña and Abigail Heras are still detained in the women’s prison in Quito.