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Giant tortoises will be released in Galapagos
Posted On 22 May 2015
207 young giant turtles be released next month in Santa Fe island,
Galapagos reported the Galapagos National Park ( GNP ), the Ministry of Environment.
The GNP together with Galapagos Conservancy, release the turtles of the species
Chelonoidis hoodensis , the Spanish , morphologically and genetically island more
like the extinct Santa Fe , to establish ” a population of breeding fulfill their role in the ecosystem “.
The young turtles to be released in Santa Fe have between 4 and 10 years old , and have been bred in captivity in the ” Fausto Llerena ” Downtown
Santa Cruz . Forty have a GPS to find their routes , movement and activities the GNP said in a statement .