Guillermo Lasso reappeared before the public
The leader of the ‘Creando oportunidades’ movement (Creo) reappeared before the public, after three months of absence and after accepting his electoral defeat by the President.
Yesterday, Lasso led in the Palace Hotel of Guayaquil, a workshop on electoral strategies regarding the sectional elections of 2014, to about thirty provincial leaders of Creo.
Cesar Monge, Mae Montano, Patricio Donoso, Wilson Chicaiza, Diego Salgado, Ramiro Tenelema, Ricardo Moncayo, Miguel Moreta and Luis Fernando Torres were among the attendees.
“Politics is made from the strengthening of the political movements, the territorial network and its leaders,” said Lasso, who added that “in Guayaquil we already have a Major, we have Jaime Nebot. That is my opinion.”
Regarding the recent approved Communications Law he said “more than what is written in the law, what concerns me is what is not in this legislative text”.