he increase of diesel worries fishermen in Ecuador

The fishing and shrimp sectors of the country make accounts of the hard blow that, according to their representatives, would mean the increase in the price of gallon of diesel for the industries, a measure that would be announced between tomorrow and next Thursday.
The elimination of the industrial diesel subsidy would be carried out in a gradual manner until reaching the international price which is $ 2.20.
Ricardo Buehs, president of the Tuna Association of Ecuador (Atunec), said that if confirmed the increase in the price of fuel the first measures would be to reduce personnel.
“We have a serious problem that can come … we will have to take measures, lower the costs that would inflate us … we would have layoffs, it is an escape because unfortunately we have to absorb costs that would take us out of the market (due to higher prices in relationship to other countries), “Buehs said.
Bruno Leone, president of the National Fisheries Chamber, said that yesterday they had a meeting with the owner of Senplades, José Agusto Briones, to whom they expressed their disagreements.
“The government is making efforts to finance its budget, but in no way can we agree with affecting an important sector of the country’s economy that generates thousands of jobs, billions of dollars to sustain dollarization… “, said Leone.
According to figures of the unions, the fishing and shrimp sectors generate $ 1,540 million in exports, which means 37% of the foreign currency received by the country for exports of non-oil products.
Leone said they expect to meet with President Lenin Moreno to expose his doubts; In addition, they will request that the elimination of the Ministry of Aquaculture be reviewed. (I)
Source: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2018/09/04/nota/6937238/incremento-diesel-preocupa-pesqueros