Horacio Cartes is the new president of Paraguay
Horacio Cartes sworn as president of Paraguay for a period of five years before the leaders of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay and Taiwan, Prince Felipe of Spain also attended the event along with over 100 offices in the gardens of the Palace of Lopez , the government headquarters.
“I pray to God, I implore you to give me wisdom, prudence and justice to fulfill my duties to serve the noble people of Paraguay,” said Cartes in a statement after his inauguration.
Cartes is a successful entrepreneur, 57, who with his victory in the presidential elections of April 21, returned the power to the Colorado Party, which supported the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989).
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who took this decision, as a way to demonstrate his contempt for not inviting his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro. Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, did not attend the event either. The leaders did welcomed the Paraguayan people for their new government.