John Paul II and John XXIII shall be made Saints
Pope Francisco announced the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II, two leaders of the universal Catholic Church that marked an era of change in the second half of the twentieth century. Francisco also published the first encyclical, which turned yesterday into a historic day for the Catholic world.
The two popes will be proclaimed saints at a upcoming ceremony, but no date has been set.
John Paul II, the first Polish pope in history, whose original name was Karol Wojtyla, served as pope from 1978 to 2005. Several miracles are attributed to him, the latter a miracle cure, the day of his beatification in 2011 of a woman in Costa Rica, about 50, who suffered from a brain aneurysm.
For his part, John XXIII (1881-1963), known as the “Good Pope” will be canonized without the Congregation for the Causes of Saints finds a second miracle after beatification, but determined by the faculty that has Francis as church leader.
Apparently the Argentine Pope decided in recognition of its simplicity and kindness and in consideration for having launched and opened the Second Vatican Council in 1962, which modernized the ancient entity.