Jorge Glas assumed the office while Correa is on vacations
The Vice President, Jorge Glas Espinel, assume today is responsibility for the country’s presidency, replacing its leader, Rafael Correa, who began a period of vacation he went along with his family, for two weeks.
This morning Glas will give his report to the country from Lago Agrio, Sucumbios Province.
President Correa carried out official business until yesterday, from the Zonal Ministry, in Guayaquil.
Meanwhile Vice President Glas, was yesterday in Cuenca in the wake of the father of the interior minister, Jose Serrano, and in the afternoon he was in Lago Agrio, where he inaugurated a linear park in Joyas de Los Sachas.
During an inspection of the progress of the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric project, between the provinces of Napo and Sucumbios, Glas announced that the project will be built near an Institute of Electricity, to prepare young people for work at Coca Codo; work plans has foreseen to generate 1500 megawatts of power from 2016.