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Jorge Lanata said he would not do journalism in Ecuador
Posted On 28 Oct 2016

He expressed surprise regarding the fact that the media have accepted the Communications Law in Ecuador that is in force since 2013. Jorge Lanata, an Argentine journalist who in forty years of practice has received 21 times the Martin Fierro Award, considered that the legal body that regulates the press “is censorship.” He said he would not do journalism in Ecuador because he would be arrested.
In Argentina, there is no a Communication Law as in Ecuador. “For me the Communications Act is censorship. I can not believe that the media accept it, I think that it´s outrageous. If true, they have told me that if I make a comment on television and the government does not like, half an hour later the government says the opposite. Never in my life, I saw a thing like this. I think that it´s barbarity.”