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Judge Paredes will join the Second Criminal Chamber of Guayas
Posted On 12 Jul 2012

Judge Juan Paredes
Judge Juan Paredes, who almost a year ago convicted El Universo Newspaper at the trial that followed President Rafael Correa, was declared winner last Tuesday to take part in the Second Criminal Chamber of Guayas.
This occurs six days after the Guayas School of Lawyers (CAG for its spanish acronym) issued a statement indicating that Judge Paredes had a “guaranteed job” as a magistrate in the Second Chamber.
Juan Paredes currently serves as a temporary judge in the Third Criminal Court.
Paredes neglected the idea that becoming a magistrate of the Second Criminal Chamber of Guayas is an award, due to the signature he placed in the $ 40 million condemnation in favor of President Rafael Correa at El Universo Case. (MZ)