Justice administration returns to socialist plan in Ecuador
The administration of justice comes back to the agenda of constitutional changes that Alianza PAIS analyzes for the second package of amendments. There are plans to reduce the number of national judges, to distribute judges by districts and not by provinces and change the “attributions of the Judicial Council.”
The number of judges of the National Court (CNJ) was one of the proposals that AP left out in the first draft amendments, which sought that the CNJ is composed of judges “in accordance with the law,” instead of 21 which now consists in the Constitution.
The number of judges of the National Court (CNJ) was one of the proposals that AP left out in the first draft amendments and which sought that the CNJ is composed of judges “in accordance to the law,” instead of 21 judges, according to the Constitution.
Another change that is still pending is that of Section 186, which states that the number of judges of the provincial courts will be subject to the judicial territorial division, by provinces. The new change states districts instead of provinces.
Soledad Buendia (AP) reported they have no more details on the issues and said that the AP bloc would hold a meeting these days. _
The referendum of 2013 included the temporary replacement of the Judiciary by a technical commission and the modification of its composition, changing the Constitution and the Code of Judicial Function.
Translated into English by Pierina Abad
Source: http://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2015/12/14/nota/5297762/justicia-vuelve-plan-oficialista