Lanata lambast again against the Kirchners

Jorge Lanata
After the Argentine journalist, Jorge Lanata revealed the alleged construction of a vault in the house of the Kirchner Fernandez family in El Calafate, new details of the scandal arise.
In the tv program “Periodismo para Todos,” Lanata asures that the vault holds about $ 3.9 billion in addition to deeds of luxurious properties of family members and current presidential government officials.
Research affirms that the first floor of this house, owned by the family, has three bedrooms, two of which are equipped as a gym and a third apart from everything that serves as safe for their money and valuable papers of the family.
The room has a security door valued in $ 13 billion. It measures two feet wide by one feet deep and 1.5 meters high. It was built by architect Antonio Canas, who also designed the presidential residence ordered by Néstor Kirchner.
According to the tv show, which showed the planes of the residence in El Calafate, the readjustment of the house for the construction of the vault was carried out by Néstor himself. The information matches with the versión of former vice-governor of Santa Cruz, Eduardo Arnold, one of the politicians who knows seacrets of the Presidential family.
Lanata also detailed that in recent years the funds of the people close to the marriage of Cristina and Néstor Kirchner, have increased, including that of senior officials from the old and new administration, who now live in luxurious houses, own expensive cars and are owners of exclusive real estate and commercial complexes located in premium areas.
When the program ended on Sunday, Lanata said goodbye and left to the imagination if it was going to air next Sunday. “I ask you if they take us out of everywhere, do something, don’t know what, but do something.”