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Lourdes Tibán: “A surgery to remove corruption.”
Posted On 07 Aug 2017
Interview with the former legislator by the Pluri Nacional Pachakutik movement and an indigenous leader.
Q: Former legislators have self-convoked. Why?
A: I took the initiative. We will meet to analyze the political, economic and social situation of the country, as part of the political responsibility we have as citizens. While former President Rafael Correa calls on the militants to defend the revolution, I am calling on the Ecuadorians to defend the homeland, to recover what we have lost.
Q: What are your plans for that meeting?
A: We will make a remembrance of the cases of corruption that were reported in 2009-2013 and the co-responsibility of the Audit Commission, the body that prevented the audit, decided to file the case and did not give way to investigations, and evidence corroborates this.
Q: What is sought with this information?
A: To make it clear that our suspicions we right and several illegal acts should have been investigated. We want to create files with the information we have so far, to investigate and find those responsible.
Q: You want to help in the fight against corruption?
A: I believe that all anti-corruption initiatives must be supported. I think we are all in a position to make a clean-up against this disease called corruption because the major surgery mentioned by President Lenin Moreno will not only be done by a doctor, we need more helpers to fulfill the goal of eliminating corruption and punishing the corrupts.
Q: Do former legislators still have information about irregularities during the previous administration?
A: Several former lawmakers have confirmed their attendance and who have in their possession documents regarding the mismanagement that occurred during the administration of Rafael Correa. An example of this is Nívea Vélez, who denounced all the acts of corruption that were taking place in the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS), and to which the Correist majority in the Legislature did not give way.
Q: What will be done with this information?
A: All documentation will be submitted to the National Anti-Corruption Commission, to channel the denunciations in justice. (I)