Maduro appoints Capriles’ visit to Colombia as a conspiracy
Maduro’s government denounced yesterday a conspiracy against him which, according to his knowledge, “involves the highest powers of the Colombian state” and Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles, who is currently visiting in the neighboring country.
Maduro said that “a psychological operation directed from Bogota to divide” the ruling party and “morally destroy its leaders,” is being carried out. This “operation” is being “led by evil minds dedicated to the dirty war,” said the president in a speech to the army.
Likewise, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua, who shares the chaotic thoughts of Maduro, said that the Venezuelan government “deeply regrets that President Santos has made a painful decision that will lead us into a derailment of good bilateral relations.”

Henrique Capriles and Juan Manuel Santos
On the other hand, different political leaders in Colombia have defended the meeting between President Juan Manuel Santos and opposition leader Henrique Capriles.
The former Foreign Minister of Colombia, Camilo Reyes, indicated that they should respect the democratic management of the country. “Here we listen the argument of the opposition and these have been the policies that Colombia has had for a long time, therefore, we must respect the debate,” he said.
He regretted that the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua, “is hurt because in here we can have objectivity and there they cannot. I’m surprised of the rudeness and aggressiveness with which they qualify a country that has been very generous with the revolutionary government of Chavez and in particular with the latter circumstances that occurred there. “