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Measures on screens and printers, from Today
Posted On 25 Oct 2016
From Tuesday, October, 25, restriction for the nationalization of TVs and printers for travelers entering by land borders applies, announced the National Customs Service of Ecuador (Senae)
The agency notes that modifications are given for the resolution SENAE-DGN-2013-0361 RE which regulates the border regime and Article 20 on the Prohibition of goods states:
“TVs and printers, regardless of their value, will not be considered as taxable goods and therefore may not be released under the regime of transboundary exception, except beneficiary traders of tariffs and exclusion set by the Foreign Trade Committee.”
The Senae clarifies that “if tourists wish to enter such goods over land borders of the Ecuadorian customs territory, they will be moved to a temporary storage facility since to be nationalized they must meet all the requirements of an Ordinary importer.”
Source: http://www.eluniverso.