Media asks more information about Hillary Clinton’s health

Hillary Clinton
The health status of Barack Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has become an ordeal for the media, who claims for more information about her medical condition.
This uncertainty has created speculations about the possible impact on the political future of the former first lady of the United States. To the debate about her possible presidential aspiration, adds the possibility that her health would prevent her to compete when she has 69 years old.
On Wednesday, Clinton received a medical discharge after spending four days at the New York Presbyterian Hospital because of a blood clot in a vein that goes from the skull to the brain, behind her right ear. This was the first time the press saw her since last December 7, when her health problems began with a stomach condition.
Several Republicans accuse her of getting the “Benghazi flu”, to avoid appearing before the commission that is investigating the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi (Libya), where a U.S. ambassador died.