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Military retirees ‘demand’ stability to Rafael Correa
Posted On 14 Dec 2016
A group of retired militaries “demanded” the President Rafael Correa stability in the high command of the Armed Forces, after he ordered a partial cessation last Friday.
Nearly 50 former officers and troops, expressed yesterday in Guayaquil their rejection to the changes made, by executive decrees, in three of the four commands of the Armed Forces.
“It is an irresponsible and illegitimate act,” said the former head of the joint command of that institution and former Defense Minister Hugo Unda, while reading a manifesto that collected the group’s official position.
He did so during a press conference that took place in the Military Circle of Guayaquil, in the north of the city.
Aland Molestina, former head of the Navy, said that the relay gave way to the availability of eight officers: six Navy Admirals and two Air Force generals.
And he stated that this “weakens” the institution because, among other reasons, “less old” officers were appointed.
Last Friday the president dismissed the commanders of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, Oswaldo Zambrano; Fernando Noboa of the Navy; Cesar Merizalde of the Air Force.
Merizalde was promoted to the Joint Command, Carlos Ruiz as head of the Navy and Patricio Mora as head of the Air Force.