Minister visited beneficiary of teleworking

Andrés Madero, Minister of Labor, visited on Tuesday April 23 to Diego Rodríguez, teleworker of the company Sicobra, a firm dedicated to the recovery of portfolio, customer service and telemarketing.
The visit was made at the address Rodriguez, located in the sector of El Condado, north of Quito. Teleworking has two modalities: partial and permanent. Diego teleworks six hours a day in rotating schedules, from Monday to Friday performing collection management in the company.
Que gusto conocer a Diego y su familia, quienes desde hace 2 años, gracias a la modalidad de #TeletrabajoEC cuentan con un ingreso económico para su familia desde la comodidad y seguridad del hogar. @sicobra_ec #JuntoATi
— Abg. Andrés Madero (@abgmadero) April 23, 2019
For this, he has access to a voice software that helps him in work, since he has a 90% visual disability. This labor variety was promoted by the Ministry of Labor in August 2016. Since then, companies have added to this working operability, which consists of carrying out the activity in a non-face-to-face manner with the support of technology and communication networks.
Teleworking is part of the “National Development Plan” through its Objective 1, which states: “Guarantee a dignified life with equal opportunities for all people”, aligned with the policy of inclusive work and compliance with rights and obligations.
Currently, this employment methodology has more than 8,500 teleworkers nationwide, with greater concentration in the provinces of Pichincha and Guayas. “It is a good alternative for pregnant mothers who cannot go to the office, for people with disabilities, it is an initiative that should be made visible in a sustained manner,” Rodriguez told the Secretary of State.
Desde el año 2016 hemos sido referentes de Teletrabajo. Hoy damos la bienvenida al equipo del Ministerio de Trabajo en el domicilio Diego Rodríguez, teletrabajador de Sicobra Quito#SoySic#YoTeletrabajo#Sicobraprovocandocambios
— Sicobra (@sicobra_ec) April 23, 2019
In the meeting with the minister, the employee said that before it was very difficult to get to his job, so now he feels relief to work from the comfort of his home. For his part, Madero reiterated that through this way of working, mobility is facilitated for people with disabilities.
He reiterated that this modality is applied as long as the employee demonstrates operability and production in the work. The official added that teleworking improves the work performance of beneficiaries by 45%. (I)