Ministry of Agriculture investigates disrespect for the official price of bananas
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is investigating the complaints received against four exporters who have disregarded the minimum support price for a box of bananas.
Ministry of Agriculture investigates disrespect for the official price of bananas
Different producers filed complaints with the Department of Strategic Positioning of Musaceae of the Ministry, in Guayaquil.
This agency will open administrative files against the companies Exdesur, Trinyfresh, Green Life Fruits and Tropical Republic, the institution said in a statement.
The sanctions that banana exporters would face range from economic fines of between 25 and 50 times the amount of the damage for non-compliance, to the suspension of exports for 15 days.
Between 2020 and 2021, the Ministry opened 70 investigation processes for disrespect for the price of a box of bananas. Ministerial Agreement 057, of October 2021, provides that the minimum support price is USD 6.25 per contracted box of bananas.
Banana producers who feel harmed by non-payment of the price can present their complaints at the windows of the Ministry’s address, in Guayaquil, or through the email ventanilla_gye@mag.gob. In the presentation of the complaint (physical or digital) they must attach a copy of the complainant’s identity card and supporting documentation.