MSMEs will be selected to take advantage of the agreement
The Institute for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (PROECUADOR) will convoke, until mid-October, micro, small and medium enterprises for a project to create new exporters or market diversification with priority to the European Union (EU).
This is because European cooperation approved a non-reimbursable fund of 10 million euros (about 11 million dollars), which will last two years.
Silvana Vallejo, director of PROECUADOR said that they must train MSMEs, open up the market, with a public-private partnership with Fedexpor and Corpei.
She estimated that about 700 MSMEs will be presented and at least 200 new will be selected. No sectors are prioritized, the only condition would be that they have not exported to the EU or diversify their product or a new destination.
Assistance in packaging, presentation and certificates will be given, “the EU is a demanding market in environmental stewardship, fair trade, we will not start from zero, there are MSMEs that must have an export potential.”