Museums in Quito operate in heritage buildings

Most museums in the Metropolitan District of Quito operate in heritage buildings, such as the Contemporary Art Center (CAC) or the Metropolitan Cultural Center (MET), two spaces whose exhibition agenda is permanent.
Eduardo Carrera (current curator of the CAC) points out that the museum infrastructure of Quito to be patrimonial requires fixed and continuous budgets that must be assigned at the level of regulations to avoid disasters such as those that occurred in Rio de Janeiro.
“From the CAC, and together with the Museums Foundation of the City, we have a contingency plan in case of emergencies (fires, earthquakes, bomb threats, etc.); this plan has been socialized with museum officials and on several occasions drills were held to test situations in cases of emergency. At the building level, the CAC has signage and emergency exit routes approved and supervised by industrial safety specialists, “says Carrera.
The National Museum, which reopening last May involved the adaptation of an anti-fire plan with the Firefighters of Quito, said, through a statement, its solidarity with the Museum of Rio. (I)
— MuNa_EC (@muna_ecu) 3 de septiembre de 2018