National Assembly: those who entered and those who left.
According to data of Participación Ciudadana in Alianza País, List 35, among those who opted for reelection entered: Fernando Cordero, Rosana Alvarado, Paco Velasco, Virgilio Hernandez, Irina Cabezas and more. There are 90 in total so far and there will be many new ones, including three soccer players: Ulises de la Cruz, the Tin Delgado and Ivan Hurtado, who between votes can score some goals and too bad that Jaime Enrique Aymara did not enter because he would have cheered the session with a song.
In CREO, List 21, 12 Assembly members were elected, two national: Mae Montaño and Patricio Donoso and 8 provincial, among those are: Andres Paez of Pichincha, former assemblyman by the democratic left movement and big government ally, now from the opposition, winning re-election, but on other party. Leonardo Viteri, also reelected for Manabi in the PSC, founder of the movement Machete and Luis Fernando Torres by Tungurahua, which was been mayor of Ambato twice, deputy of the PSC, deposed in 2007, illegally and unconstitutionally by the TSE. Comes now to take his seat, after 6 years. Correa would have said, “distinguished member” of the party-cracy.
The Partido Social Cristiano List 6, won 7 seats in alliance with Madera de Guerrero in Guayas, movement led by the mayor of Guayaquil Jaime Nebot. Cinthia Viteri was reelected again, is the only national assemblyman, activist Carlos Vera was not entered on the list, a national tragedy, so much effort wasted. Of the six remaining assembly members, Maria Cristina Kronfle was re-elected and Cristina Reyes entered as a legislator since she stood at Montecristi as a constitutional assemble woman.
In Sociedad Patriotica, list 3, 6 assemblymen were elected. Gilmar Gutierrez, who is the only national assemblyman of that party, was re-elected, the remaining 5 are provincial including Galo Lara, who was reappointed for the province of Los Rios. “Bingo” he is saved.
Fausto Cobo and Luis Almeida, who aimed re-election, lost their seats. Vicente Taiano, who left PRIAN to go to PSP also did not make it.
As an interesting fact, famous candidates did not reached the Assembly, such as Maria Mercedes Pacheco of El Combo Amarillo, Claudia Campozano “Rosita La Taxista”, Mario Cabezas of Vivos show, Richard Barker from the De Casa en Casa show, Carlos José Matamoros from Combate and Gabriela Pazmino of the Guerra de los Sexos Ecuador. Pity, they would have contributed in breaking the boredom and dizziness in “long and tedious” meetings.
On the Coordinator of Left Movements led by Alberto Acosta, 6 assemblymen were elected. Lourdes Tibán by Pachakutik won reelection as the only National Assembly member, Martha Roldós, Maria Leonor Jimenez, Lenin Hurtado. Jorge Escala from MPD were left behind and lost reelection like Diana Atamaint from Pachakutik.
Avanza Movement led by Social Security director Ramiro Gonzalez reached four provincial assembly seats, as a curiosity former President of Congress in 2007 Jorge Cevallos was not reelected. He was former deputy by the PRIAN for two periods and showing the highest investiture of Congress joined Correa’s ranks joined the government, supporting the unconstitutional dismissal of 57 members, including 28 of his party, before becoming President of the Congress of the tablecloths. “Nobody knows who he works for” the saying goes, since that conference was dismissed by the government of Correa and Cevallos lost his post as deputy. On his third attempt, he kept a bitter fact. Well worth reminding him that “Who does evil, evil gets” says popular slang.
María Paula Romo, Paco Moncayo and Betty Amores got a more severe “rupture”. Gabrielita Pazmiño, who only went to session once, now she won’t even get that. Nicolas Lapentti who followed her, as one of the notable absentees, also failed reelection.
Some other famous characters were ripped of their hopes of earning a good bill and some other “hand raisers” and “lazy people” that failed to be elected as well.. Don Burro, which unfortunately was not allowed to participate as a candidate and prevented him from voting, joined in, although it showed his identity card when he appeared at the school where he was to vote.
In a meeting controlled by the Correa government with absolute majority, poor opposition assemblymen, will die of boredom, will face as David to Goliath, they will hit the walls and nothing will change… This is the road ahead of us… These are the times of the Citizen Revolution.