National Police will have 60,000 troops in 2023
Fausto Salinas, General Commander of the Police, said that the entity will have 60,000 agents on active duty in the year 2023.

National Police will have 60,000 troops in 2023.
“We are closing with almost 53,000 police officers and we have 8,500 in training. By 2023 we will have 60 thousand Police. In the next 2 years we will complete 80,000,” Salinas said in an interview he gave for the Teleamazonas channel.
According to the official, one of the objectives of the National Police is to strengthen the institution in terms of investigation, operational, preventive and intelligence capabilities, based on a model of intermediate headquarters.
The Network of High Police Commanders will also undergo a strengthening process and for this, the institution has already developed a joint operations plan.
Regarding the fight against organized crime, Salinas explained that the fight against criminal groups is constant, by the National Police.
“Although there is one of the highest rates, there has also been a fight against organized crime. We closed the year with more than 196 tons of controlled substances that have been withdrawn from the illegal market, 8,800 weapons, 158,000 explosives, and 363,000 confiscated ammunitions,” Salinas explained.
The General Commander of the Police also detailed that during 2022, 350 sanctions were presented against elements of the entity for serious misconduct and 202 members of the institution were replaced.