New delegate joins the Council of Media Regulation
Paulina Mongrovejo is the third member of the Council for the Regulation and Development of Information and Communication, after her appointment yesterday by the ombudsman, Ramiro Rivadeneira.
Mongrovejo, who is a Doctor of Jurisprudence, specialized in Human Rights, said that her work will focus on “promoting ethics and social responsibility in all forms and in all media, in order to develop changes in discriminatory patterns.”
The council already has 3 of its members, with the appointment of its president, Patricio Barriga, sent by the Executive, and Doris Soliz, representing the Equality Councils. The members from the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPC) and from the autonomous governments (GAD), have to be chosen.
The Council will have twelve powers, including: the regulation of universal access to communication and information, the identification of mechanisms to modify media programming, the provision of comments and recommendations on the reports sent by the Telecommunications Authority on the equitable sharing of frequencies, among others.