New evidence of aggression of the Ecuadorian ambassador
New images, shown exclusively through ATV +, show how the ambassador of Ecuador, Rodrigo Riofrio, who had a brawl at a local supermarket with two Peruvian women, does kick them in the middle of the fight.
The video was recorded from a camera outside of Vivanda, and manages to corroborate the testimony of Cristina Castro, who said the defending diplomat kicked them.
Correa insists in defending Ambassador Riofrio
On his behalf, President Rafael Correa continues to defend the ambassador, deepening the controversy over the incident. “He’s being chased by a couple of women, one very young, and you know, the ambassador is no longer a young man and why we would withdraw an ambassador. Because he was attacked?” Said the president.
Moreover, Correa argues that the video shows Riofrio’s “clearly” mistreatment, not only videos, but also on a Peruvian police report. “We have the police report (Peru) where it says that the ambassador was attacked and beaten,” said Correa.
However, Peruvian Deputy Foreign Minister, Fernando Rojas, counter down Correa’s arguments, because he ensures that the police document does describe aggression from the Ecuadorian diplomat.
“The police report describe a fight between two or three people, and that one of them scratch a man and such man responds with a kick,” said Rojas.

Rodrigo Riofrio