Obstacles are being eliminated for the diary products in Ecuador
Obstacles are being eliminated for the diary products in Ecuador. This new ruling was set yesterday by the Minister of Industry, Eduardo Egas, in order to handle the crisis in the dairy industry, in the Assembly Comission of Food Sovereignity.
The State has seeked to motivate the consumption of milk in the country. Last year, there was a reduction of 2,45 liters of milk daily by Ecuadorian. The obstacle created by the Government, this past November 2014, which labeled food with warnings regarding salt, sugar, and fat.
The Government has tried this policy to reduce chronic sickness like diabetes. The Agriculture Ministry announced that that there will be more controls to the Dairy Industry in the next following days, in order to pay 0.42 dollars per each litre of produced milk. (I)
Original source in Spanish: http://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/industrias-semaforo-alimentos-leche-lacteos.html