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Odebrecht was one of the sponsors of The Royal Tour, a video about Ecuador
Posted On 23 Dec 2016
The Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, accused of paying bribes in Ecuador, was one of the financiers of The Royal Tour, chapter Ecuador, a television program to “promote the beauties of our country,” which was broadcast on the public channel PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) of the United States.
Donations from five companies, including Odebrecht, amounted to $ 2 million. Neither the individual economic contribution of the construction company, currently accused of bribes nor the four other companies, according to documents of the Ministry of Tourism, is not specified.
The making of the documentary, whose guide was the Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, was held between August 15 and 21, 2015 and covered provinces such as Guayas, Pichincha, Imbabura, Manabi, Napo, Galapagos. For the shooting of the program, President Correa and officials of the regime were mobilized to the locations.
The Royal Tour, Ecuador chapter, is the seventh edition of the production company that works with Peter Greenberg, of Check Six Productions Inc., based in California, United States.