Officials prevent gender violence

The training is applied in five public institutions. During the induction, cultural patterns that promote aggression are visible. Nine thousand public officials, from different State institutions, were certified in the course: “Safe institutions and free of violence against women.” This, as part of the actions carried out within the framework of the Women’s Mission of the Whole Life Plan, through a strategic alliance between the Technical Secretariat and the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ).
The objective is to sensitize and provide conceptual tools to all public officials in the country, to contribute to the transformation of society and strengthen a culture without discrimination and free of violence. “Gender violence exceeds all borders, economic conditions and educational levels. It is an evil of society that must be eradicated and in front of which we cannot show even a drop of tolerance, “said Rocío de Moreno, president of the Whole Life Plan Committee.
The recognition of the naturalization of violence against women in all areas: work, social and family was one of the objectives sought with this process.
The state proposal
In a first phase, the training is applied in five public institutions: Presidency of the Republic, Ministry of Labor, Secretariat Plan Whole Life, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Celec EP and Public Media.
“Training public servants is important because they are the representatives of the population in the face of public policies that the State designs,” said Pablo Ormaza, director of Policy and Follow-up of the Technical Secretariat of the Whole Life Plan.
He specified that “in this line, officials, besides being efficient in providing, providing and serving citizens, can apply the rights and gender approach in their service to change sociocultural patterns in the country.”
Through a virtual platform, during the training, the cultural patterns that promote gender violence and the regulations that the country has to prevent and punish these acts are made visible. “This is a relevant information that should be known by citizens to know how to act if we are faced with a situation of violence against women,” said Carlos Agüero, an official of the Presidency of the Republic.
The servers, when entering the platform, must answer 25 questionnaires with 10 questions each and obtain more than 90% of correct answers. “The questions were built through a joint work between the Secretariat of the Plan Whole Life and GIZ, being consistent with our social and cultural context,” said Ormaza.
Every three months, the training will gradually be extended to all public institutions nationwide, and the private sector has also been included, as there are already several companies that have certification.
This is one of the concrete actions executed by Misión Mujer as part of the services provided by the different State institutions to citizens, and which are focused on combating the problems that affect the country’s girls and women.
Among them are the lack of autonomy for reasons of gender; child and adolescent pregnancy; and lack of access to stable sources of income to support their homes.
“All these initiatives are complementary. It is our responsibility as citizens, men and women who live in society and who work daily to live in spaces free of violence, to be happy and develop fully, “said Rocío de Moreno. (I)