Pedro Delgado Had Negotiations with the Ecuadorian Consulate in Miami
Pedro Delgado Campana, president of the Central Bank of Ecuador, who is also the legal representative of the financial entity Ugedep, along with Juan Borja Charvet, attorney at the law firm Borja and Associates, which maintained business relations in Miami, which involve a business premises that is the meeting point between Ecuadorians, since it close to the Consulate of Ecuador, where Delgado’s wife is vice consul.
Pedro Delgado assured that last July, that he only had one company in Miami (Integrare America Consult Group, Corp.) despite the fact that he was under oath during the trial of Ecuador against William and Roberto Isaias. According to investigations made by El Universo newspaper, Delgado did carried out businesses with the company Mediterranean Venture LLC, which is related with Borja and the business premises as well.
The business premises was designated with the name of “Commercial Unit #1” (CU-1), which is located in the lower level of the Mediterranean condo, a great building with more than 180 apartments and commercial stores, in the 117 northeast av. 42. The offices of Austro Financial Services (AFS), a corporation that represents Austro Bank in Miami is also in that locality, which helps Ecuadorians to carry out financial transactions, among those is opening saving accounts in that bank in Ecuador.
Juan Borja and Austro Bank have something else in common: they were the ones who facilitated Delgado the financing of a house in Miami, in November 2011, which had a price of $ 365.000. Borja gave a personal loan of $ 200.000 to Delgado, in return of a note, and Austro Bank Panama who gave him a loan of $ 190,000.