Peru seeks to attract Ecuadorian travelers with its tourist offer, but above all local businessmen to invest in the different destinations of the southern country.

La Grama de Casma beach is one of the tourist attractions that Peru seeks to promote for Ecuadorian travelers and businessmen.

In 2019, Peru registered more than 4.4 million international tourist arrivals, of which 268,179 came from Ecuador, showing a growth of 16% compared to 2018 (293,231), ranking as the third largest issuing country of tourists to the Peru after Chile and the United States.

In the Ecuadorian case, tourists are divided according to the place of entry, 80% by border flow and 20% by airport.

In this framework, on October 13 and 14, Peru, through the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PromPerú), showed its tourism potential for the adventure, culture and gastronomy segments at the business conference among entrepreneurs in the tourism industry that had more than 100 appointments.

The segments that were promoted were linked to the interesting offer of the north coast of the neighboring country, with an emphasis on urban tourism, gastronomy, shopping, sun and beach, nature, adventure and culture, thus allowing to reach a large audience of travel agencies. trip from Ecuador located in the border cities.

The business conference, held in virtual format, focused on showing the offer of the Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad regions, where, in addition, it sought to reinforce the training of participating travel agents.