Peter Jackson releases its biggest challenge of his life: “The Hobbit”
New Zealand filmmaker Peter Jackson returns to the big screen with his latest film, the first part of the trilogy “The Hobbit”, described as a lighter movie than the “The Lord of the Rings” saga.
During the filming, the movie suffered several setbacks that delayed its completion. After a year in charge of the preparations, Mexican director Guillermo del Toro resigned. Then the Metro Goldwin Mayer was nearly bankrupt, which also delayed the production. Once the study financed the project, instead of seeking for another director, Jackson decided to direct the film himself since he had written the script and was the producer.
Peter Jackson says that this is one of his greatest personal bets, both artistic and technically and, so far, this production has accumulated a gain of 149.9 million dollars.
For the first time a film is made in 48 frames per second, instead of the usual 24, a technique that gives the image a different texture and has created controversy.