Pikachu in Quito mural
A mural by the Spanish artist Okuda San Miguel attracted from this Monday, May 16, 2022, the looks of those who pass through the Plaza 24 de Mayo, downtown Quito.
This intervention is part of the CaminArte project, which includes the creation of 15 murals with an investment of USD 200,000.
Angélica Arias, director of the Metropolitan Heritage Institute (IMP), said that sketches were not requested for the making of the murals. “What was done and will be done with the participating artists is that they focus on capturing intangible heritage.”
Okuda’s work
He explained that Okuda’s works are characterized by the fact that he puts controversial elements in his works like all the ones he performs around the world. He has a load of color, pop modernism with multicultural content and messages of peace within a globalized world.
“What the artist wanted was to generate a dialogue about innovation, about the connection with the new generations and that the variety of colors attracts other gazes.”
Public competition
For Arias, this is a project of appropriation of heritage spaces through art, with the creation of an open-air gallery of murals and furniture designed by national artists.
Source: https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/quito/pikachu-mural-quito-como-escogio-diseno.html